a healing dance journey

welcome all parts of yourself.

The playful and joyful inner child who wishes to dance spontaneously. The strong and powerful force within you who wishes to shake the ground beneath your feet, and loudly sing your truth for the world to hear. The sensual and confident seductress who does not fear her sexual energy or feminine power. This is a moment for you to release stuck emotions, awaken inspiration and unlock your life force. Through the powerful instrument that your body is.

Together we dance, laugh and maybe even cry. We move our bodies without thinking, without obsessing over how our body looks or if we’re dancing correctly. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. The only focus here is on YOU and all that you can feel when you move. The strength, joy and freedom YOU can awaken when you allow yourself to.

we enter the journey with an intention.

What do you wish to release? Is there a weight on your shoulders, fears clouding your trust or stress and tension in your body? State it out loud, what you wish to release. And then bring your attention to that which you want to welcome into your life, body and present moment. More love? More joy? Feeling free to be who you are? You are free to choose. And then WE DANCE! Moving in the direction of our desired state of being.

this is healing dance.

Stay connected to know when future dances are happening.

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