heart opening cacao ceremony

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This is a coming back home to yourself. Through your heart. Ceremonial cacao is a beautiful medicine that naturally opens up your heart and grounds you in your body. Together with setting intentions and being guided through meditation, this is a moment for you to come back home. To remember the love that lives within your chest. To remember the life that flows through your veins. To come back to the inner wisdom you hold.

what is a cacao ceremony?

I am slowly preparing to hold online cacao ceremonies following the cycle of the moon. To fully make the most of the energies of the full and new moons, I will host ceremonies during these. This is still a process happening within me, but this offer is coming in a short while. Until then, I host ceremonies in real life, when it falls into place with the place and time. Stay tuned by following me on Instagram, as I will share more there.

how does it work?